Real Life Final Destination - RIP DJ AM

Adam Goldstein, better known as DJ AM, was found dead in his New York apartment late this afternoon. Most of us first heard of him when he started dating Nicole Richie. He used to be very heavy, but then had gastric bypass and became quite thin. In September of 2008 he was involved in a deadly plane crash in which he and Travis Barker were the only 2 survivors. He was left badly burned. At this time he was dating Mandy Moore who came to visit him bedside after the crash.
Now if you look on the sidebar you will see I have had up this entire time that AM had a reality show in the works, tentatively titled Gone Too Far. I might have heard Dr. Drew had a hand in the project, but either way AM was staging interventions with addicts in which he would aid in their rehabilitation. Perez Hilton "tweeted" Dr. Drew earlier today that "He helped SOOOOO many people quit drugs". I had heard even before I found out about the reality show that AM battled drug addiction problems, but I had also heard he had been sober, and assumed that he was since he was helping other people with their addiction issues. The crazy thing is reports are saying drug paraphernalia may have been found at the scene and that drugs may play a part in his death??
I wonder if they will air the show still? I cannot believe all the deaths that have taken place lately, 2009, what is up? I know a lot of people were close to him and if I feel sad about it, I can only imagine how they feel
The news I have had to report lately has been shocking and sad, lets all hope things start to change!
...more as the story unfolds

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