It is a Sad, Sad Day in the Reality TV World...

Do you even recognize this guy?
How about now??

The internet is going crazy and reality fans everywhere are crying out why??!! Most of you have seen the story is reporting, but either way I feel obligated to give you a synopsis of the ongoing events...
  • Ryan Jenkins, a contestant on the show that is currently airing - Megan Wants a Millionaire, supposedly went on from that show to participate in VH1's I Love Money 3.
  • In between the 2 shows he got married to bikini model Jasmine Fiore (see pic). Megan has been reported to say that after being eliminated from her show, Ryan flew to Vegas where he met and married Jasmine all within the next 48 hours since leaving the show.
  • Ryan has also been reported to win ILM3, winning the grand prize of $250,000.
  • He came home and was at a poker tournament in San Diego with Jasmine when supposedly she texted her ex saying that she was going to go back to Vegas, where she is originally from, and meet up with him. Her ex also says he received a last text from Jasmine's phone saying "suck it". This text is assumed to be sent from Ryan. This was last Friday, August 14, 2009.
  • Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 7 a.m. Jasmine's lifeless body was found inside a suitcase in a dumpster in Orange County. She was strangled to death.
  • Ryan reported her missing Saturday night, but has since been MIA. Authorities are worried he has fled to Canada where he is originally from. (Both Ryan and new wife Jasmine were living in LA at the time.) He is considered a "person of interest" in the murder case of his late wife.
  • Ryan also was convicted in Canada back in 2007 of assaulting girlfriend at the time, Faern Jewell. He was sentenced to 15 months probation and mandatory counseling for domestic violence and sex addiction!
  • VH1 is trying to distance themselves from the incident and have since stopped airing Megan Wants a Millionaire!!! They released this statement.
  • What will happen with the already filmed, was ready to air, ILM3? We are yet to find out.

I will make updates as the story continute to unfold. I guess it's like they say, "Mo Money, Mo Problems." I feel bad for Megan whose show is now off the air, I feel bad for reality TV fans, and most importantly I feel for Jasmine's family. Like I said, it is a sad, sad day.

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