PS... I dated Andre Rison

Apparently PS, from Real Chance of Love 2: Back in the Saddle, was in a serious relationship with retired NFL player Andre Rison? To those of you who don't know, that is the guy who dated Left-Eye from TLC and supposedly cheated on her and beat her and she burned down his mansion in retaliation. Andre, now 42, is 15 years her senior, if that is PS's real age listed. I don't really have much to say about this, we have seen worse, it is just kind of surprising and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out on RCOL2.

The show premiered earlier, and of course I watched. PS first stood out to me in the original cast pic because of her hair and punk rockish looks, but she has a background pic on her twitter that shows her softer side and she is a lot prettier than I thought. Many other of the RCOL2 girls are on twitter as well and you can see many of them by checking who I follow. As far as the other girls go I can't really say much. The token stripper was painted the color of an oompa loompa and got sent home for bashing in the face of a less hot version of Cornfed. I hate to be croosh but they need a lot of teeth whitener up in that house, I have to agree on Ribbon's parting words that some of the girls look like they brush with yellow crayons! I also loved her use of the word "whore-gobblin". Also I wanted to know if Freckles's eyebrows are tatted on? Does anyone know? I read she was 5'9", if that is true, Real and Chance must be real short to think she is on big foot status. Her and Ribbon got sent home on top of Vegas and Show Me who were shown the door for altercating. They kept Wiggly around for.. the shock factor? I think so. Keep posted with me every Monday night at 9pm on VH1.

See full cast pics and bios here
  • UPDATE - PS confirms! See post here

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