Tila Tequila VS. Shawne Merriman

photo: tmz.com
Tila Tequila grinding on lap of Shawne Merriman at club Stingaree right before the incident.

In case you haven't heard, the long story short is that Tila went to San Diego over the weekend to see a Charger game and player Shawne Merriman.  They spent all of Saturday together, went to a club that night, and then back  to Shawne's place.  At around 3:45 am the cops were called by Tila who claimed Shawne was preventing her from leaving his house by physically restraining her, choking her, and throwing her on the ground.

Shawne Merriman released this statement late Sunday night:
"On September 6, 2009 the San Diego Sheriffs Department responded to a citizens complaint that was initiated by Tila Nguyen (aka Tila Tequila). I was taken into custody based upon that complaint.
At the time, I was concerned about her welfare given the intoxicated state she appeared to be in and I encouraged her to stay until safe transportation could be provided. We would all do our best to help a friend if we considered their actions to be detrimental to their personal safety.
I in no way caused any harm to Ms Nguyen, however, paramedics were called and she was examined but no injuries were reported. She was released and has since returned to Los Angeles, California.
There have been no charges filed against me.
I want to thank the San Diego Sheriffs Department for their professionalism. I will continue to cooperate fully with the Department and I look forward to clearing my name regarding these false allegations.
I want to put this behind me so I can continue to focus on a successful season for the San Diego Chargers."

Tila's Lawyer, Scott E. Leemon, released this statement:
“Due to the serious nature of this matter, and out of respect for all domestic violence victims and defendants, Ms. Nguyen and her representatives will not be publicly addressing the facts and circumstances of the incident.”

From signonsandiego.com:
"She requested an ambulance and was treated for her injuries at Poway's Pomerado Hospital, which does not release information on patients treated for domestic violence injuries.
Nguyen wasn't seriously hurt, said Jan Caldwell, a spokeswoman for the Sheriff's Department.
'She was able to talk,' Caldwell said. 'She was able to walk. She was mobile. She did not have any serious injuries that our deputies saw.'
Merriman, 25, was released from jail shortly after 11 a.m. Sunday
His attorney, Todd Macaluso, said Nguyen was 'extremely intoxicated' early Sunday morning and his client tried to arrange transportation for her to leave his home.
'At no time did Mr. Merriman assault her; at no time did Mr. Merriman keep her against her will,' Macaluso said."
 "Deputies said when they arrived at Merriman's house that Nguyen acknowledged she had been drinking and appeared intoxicated, Caldwell said.
Merriman said in an interview Sunday night that he had one drink all night, which he had when he first arrived at Stingaree.
Although Nguyen was allegedly restrained by Merriman, she was able to get to a phone and call 911, Caldwell said."

Twitter Updates:
 The first tweet, from Terricka, is fellow Charger player Antonio Cromartie's girlfriend.  The second one is from Shawne's twitter, and the last tweet is from Tila's.  The only thing Shawne tweeted about the incident was the above statement, plus links to his statement that he released.  He has since changed the subject to the funniest youtube clips and is not addressing the Tila situation anymore.  Tila on the other  hand keeps tweeting things that are obviously about the incident.  She has been tweeting things and deleting them shortly after all day long.  If you followed Tila's twitter before the incident, you would know she has been talking about Shawne for the longest, calling him  her  NFL boo, hinting that she loves him, etc.   She also tweeted in french that she has lots of secret lovers.  Tila is an absolute attention whore and has lied or stretched the truth a number of times, I think this worked against her and has many people skeptical about the situation, which is sad because domestic violence is not something to be taken lightly.  Although everyone everywhere is calling Tila Shawne's girlfriend, this is a claim in which Shawne and his friends deny.  Tila is obviously still upset about what took place, and even posted a link today on her twitter to the video below, along with quoting Shawne's words in it, "you call me out again, I'm going to ring your neck, just like that."  This was one of the tweets she deleted soon after posting it.

As for Tila's claim of not drinking because it is publicly known she is allergic to alchohol... Didn't they end each elimination on her reality show, A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila, by drinking tequila shots?  It has been a while since the show aired, but I could have sworn she drank on the show.  Deputies who reported to the scene at Shawne's house also said Tila appeared intoxicated and admitted herself that she had been drinking.  She appeared to be having a good time at the club and I heard she did a lot of drinking while she was there as well.  And then there's the picture below which I previously posted on another realitycrack.com article.  She could be holding the beer for someone else, but that doesn't explain why her eyes look extra slanted.
Whose side are you on?
Shawne Merriman
Tila Tequila


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