Interview - Wiggly from Real Chance of Love 2

Get to know VH1's Wiggly aka Kayla
  • We know reality shows like to make characters of their contestants, do you feel like you were accurately portrayed?
  • Hmm....I feel like in some parts yes & some parts no. With the whole being nervous thing, I was truly nervous, because I come from a small town, and honestly I never thought in a million years I would be sitting on the same couch as Real. Not only that, but I'm shy. When I wrote Real that poem, I meant what I wrote, and in any relationship I like to let my partner know at some point how I feel. So those 2 things are who I actually am.
  • Why were you so nervous? Was it being around Real, being on TV, or just the situation in general?
  • It was probably all 3 of those. Being around Real, as I said I never ever thought I would actually have the opportunity to meet him. And not only that, but I get nervous with any guy that I just meet and who knows nothing about me. The cameras, not so much, it was weird always having them in your face and never having any privacy, but after the 1st day or so, you kinda just get used to it. And yeah, I'm very quiet at first around a new group of people and until I'm comfortable I don't really open up. And there were so many girls there that I thought looked 100 times better than me, that I really thought I had no chance. 
  • You claimed to have genuine feelings for Real, did this start when you saw him on I Love New York, or was it season 1 of RCOL?
  • He caught my attention in the first season of ILNY but it wasn't until the first season of RCOL that I really started to gain more of an interest in him.
  • Have you found love since the show? And what is the deal with you and Ricky Romance?
  • There is someone who has been in and out of my life for awhile now that is very special to me. After I got sent home from the show, we ended up spending some time together and I was very happy. Unfortunately, we're living 2 different lives, and it just can't work right now. Do I love him? Yes. Do I think he loves me? Yes. But I'm still looking for my Mr. Right Now. And from there, who knows what could happen. Time waits for no one, and I don't either. Ricky is my's strictly a business relationship, nothing more.
  • I read in your VH1 exit interview that you said you have some issues you need to work on.  Would you work them out on Charm School if asked to participate?
  • Yes, if asked to participate I would def. try to work them out on Charm School......
  • If you could change one thing about your time on the show, what would it be?
  • I probably wouldn't of went so hard on Real. I would of gotten to know them both and see how it went. I had fun with Real and Chance in their room....Chance made me laugh alot. And that's the thing I look for the most, someone to make me laugh.
  • Did you have a chance to befriend any of the ladies, or feel that you could have made some connections if you stayed longer?
  • Yes....I get along with pretty much everyone. I went to Vegas for the premiere and spent time with Apple and Vegas....I love Aloha and Lady.....and Classy. 
  • How has your everyday life changed since being on the show?
  • It hasn't honestly. I work 2 jobs....and hang out with the same people I did before. The only thing that changed is I get alot more friend requests on myspace!! lol :)
  • Is there anything that didn't air that you can share with us?
  • After I read my poem I was bawling my eyes out. It really hurt my feelings that I took such time and effort to express myself, and then they pretend they're sleeping. After that, I was ready to go home.
  • Will you be attending the reunion show?
  •  Yes I will :-D
  • We saw "Wiggly", but is there anything you would like fans to know about Kayla?
  • I'm just a normal, small town girl who's looking for love. Real love. I don't care about fame, exposure, this that...if I did you would see more professional photos of myself. I've been hurt over and over again by men...hurt so many times that I feel numb. I feel every man is the I'm waiting for the one to prove they aren't all the same. Aside from that, idk, I love to dance but Im pretty sure everyone already knows that!!!
 Aww, what a sweetheart!  This is why you have to give people the benefit of the doubt, there are two sides to every story.  She seems pretty normal to me, and a lot more down to earth than some of these actresses contestants.  And you hear that guys?  She is looking for Mr. Right Now... is that you?  Follow Wiggly on twitter @VH1sWiggly

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