Saaphyri may be in jail, but her lip chap is poppin'!

If you didn't know already, the old news is that Saaphyri is in an all female correctional facility facing three years jail time. Rumor has it she is locked up for stealing her uncle's identity, but Saaphyri says don't believe the hype! According to her twitter this is a lie and if you want to know the real deal you can write her in jail and ask her yourself. Yes, that's right, she is maintaining a twitter page from jail, compliments of her cousin. Her lip chap is still available for purchase on her website along with everything from baby onesies to greeting cards. Free Saaphyri!! I wonder if she will make parole in time for I Love Money 3?? I think I am going to write her.
Mug Shot

That is supposed to say Corona, CA btw.

One last thing! It is also in the air that Saaphyri used money she had acquired fraudulently, through the i.d. theft of her uncle, to get breast implants!? Now I personally never questioned the realness of her boobs. We have all seen them on display, especially in I Love Money 2 during the bed hopping challenge, and they always appeared big yet real. Here are pics from 1999 which can be compared to a recent shot of her, what do you think?

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