Lesbian Love Triangle on The Duel 2

Jenn and Rachel's romance first started on MTV's The Island

Tonight Derek was sent packing after unsuccessfully calling out challenge god Evan. Now that that is out of the way, let's get to the juicy stuff. Aneesa reveals to us that her and Rachel had relations 7 years ago when they met on MTV's Battle of the Sexes. Apparently there were still feelings there and the couple reunited on The Duel 2. I guess Rachel got what she wanted and was out, meanwhile loving up Jenn on the side. The best part is when Aneesa is listening in at the door and hears Rachel tell Jenn there is the potential for them to fall in love! Jealous Aneesa lets everyone know this bothers her, Jenn finds out and confronts her, but no real drama goes down. Challenge winner Rachel keeps her head in the game leaving Jenn to be picked last. Everyone wants Jenn to pick Aneesa to duel with, but she makes what she assumes is a smarter decision and goes with Diem. To everyones surprise Diem wins the challenge of Push Over forcing Jenn and Rachel to say goodbye, and Aneesa to hold back her overwhelming joy. Former Raiderette Jenn, whose myspace sexual orientation says straight, claims on The After Show she is just a heterosexual girl who likes Rachel.

This just leave us with one question...

Who would you rather?

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