RW Cancun's Jonna Mannion - not first reality show

Has anyone ever watched a show on the cable network Discovery Kids called Endurance? It is a reality TV series based off of CBS's Survivor, but using kids as the participants. The very first season, way back in 2002, consisted of 7 teams. Each team was made up of one boy and one girl ages 12- 15. Jonna, who was 13 at the time, not only appeared on the show, but her and partner Aaron Thornburg won the grand prize, an all expenses paid trip with their families to the Amazon. Look at little Jonna back then...

Now she is all grown up and on Real World Cancun! The season premier was last night and Jonna starts out with a committed boyfriend at home, Matt. She is so committed she even has this crazy implant/piercing thing embedded in her ring finger. She claims she is starting a new trend, I'm not following any time soon! Ouch! We will see how long her relationship last considering she just became the new conquest for every straight guy on the show. So far the only member who is not straight is Jonna's openly gay friend Derek. The two of them both coincidently were casted making them the first people who were already friends before entering the house.

Watch Jonna and the rest of the cast of MTV's Real World Cancun every Wednesday night at 10pm.

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