Paris puts another Ex-BFF on blast!

Last night was the premier of Paris Hilton's New BFF. She opened it by putting Brittany on super blast saying her ex-BFF let the fame get to her head and that's why they split. Brittany still has pics of her and Paris on myspace as well as blogs, up until early this year, of her adventures with her new BFF. After that they start to talk about her career and hanging with other celebs. But she does say this in one of last blogs mentioning Paris, "If there's one thing you guys should know about Paris, it's that she's a really chill girl. She's like my big sister. She does a lot for me and I can't wait to one day be able to pay her back for everything."

Now back to the premier...
First I want to say that if I had a quarter for every time I said "ew" I would be rich right now. The close ups literally scared me. I think it was obvious which ones were the harshest, but everyone looked either older or uglier during the confessional sections. The hottest BFF was undercover Paris. I knew right away it was her, and I find it hard to believe that everyone else didn't. Some chick named Arielle got sent home, being the first denied BFFness.

One last thing I wanted to touch on...
Onch was back and it appears (s)he is aiding Paris in her search to find a friend. He and the baby coming out the side of his head were by her side most of the episode. And in case you didn't know.. Onch has naked pictures too! If you are sick enough you can see it uncensored (NSFW) by click on the image. Just plain weird.

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