VH1's It Responds to Rape Accusations

In case you've heard the video of a girl accusing It aka Kwame and his friends of gang raping her, which are some serious allegations, here is It's response...  ("Read More" to hear video)
The interviews are pretty long so I'll break it down for you real quick...
This girl met It on Skype and agreed to meet him and his friends in Queens to tape a video for It's YouTube channel. Somewhere during the taping she got too intoxicated and everything became a blur. Now she's saying that pieces of her blackout are coming back to her and that she was raped. It denies this and tells his side of the story which can be heard in the interview above. He says that it's true the girl was drunk and in her underwear but all of that was her own doing, he even provides some audio where you can hear a female voice talking back and forth with him in which the girl says something along the lines of I'll say your boy raped me too if he doesn't stop "putting his 2 cents in" and calling me a hoe. Well like I said those are some serious allegations and matters like this should probably be left for the po-po to sort out, not aired out over online radio.
 **UPDATE - in case you haven't yet heard her side of the story I've added the video below. (Check above postings to get the latest info on this story.)

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